在今天的 菁英SAT字彙課 , Mia老師又教了很多字的字尾/字首/字根, 我會陸續把老師教的秘密武器公布在SAT BLOG and Facebook, 要常常去SAT FB/ 菁英官網更新喔!
跟著老師的腳步, 你很快就能擴充你的字彙量了!
-ous, -ful, -ose |
Full of sth |
adj |
-uym, -noma |
Name, word |
n. |
-ism |
Idea, belief |
n. |
-ee |
Receive the action( employ) |
n. |
-able |
ability |
adj |
-fact |
Pull (off), extend, continuous |
v. |
-ish |
About, sth. Look like |
adj |
State- |
Scheme, plan |
Sub-, sur- |
Psedo- |
Fake, not real |
Spe- |
Look at, check on |
Anto-, anti- |
opposite |
Syn- |
The same |
Tri- |
Three |
di- |
two |
Ex-, e- |
1. Out 2. tempore, short period of time |
Chron- |
About time |
Super- , hyper- |
Over, excess, above, beyond |
Co-, con-, com-, col(l)-, cor(r)- |
Get together |
In-, im-, de-, dis- |
Negative, no, not, against |
De- |
Away from |
Pro- |
Sen- ,cen- |
feelings |
Dia-, via- |
Thoroughly, through |
Mal- |
Bad, scold, blame, yelling |
Rup-, repudi- |
Break open |
Sanc-, saint-, sain-, santus-, sacer-, sacre- |
holy |
Re- |
課後猜謎--Mia老師 A little guess about "Wave"
Make a guess for a kitchenware,
One day, a teacher called someone in the class to stand on the stage and told her to wave to the class
So, she did it shyly.
and the answer is "Mirco-wave"