菁英SAT暑假密集班今天開課了!第一天先由Scott and Cindy老師帶來SAT Reading及 SAT Grammar,看到同學們早上8點就在菁英三校準時集合, 真的非常積極耶!
筆者記錄了一些Scott老師的SAT Reading Lesson精華內容~給大家參考參考喔!
今天, 老師用生動的例子講了很多Reading skills, Root of Vocab., 甚至Writing skill, 非常精彩喔!!!
Scott老師提醒我們, Vocabulary的數量絕對是你在SAT裡的得分秘訣喔, 而其實背單字有很多方式, 其中一個就是看"字根"
1. "Vit-/ Viv-" : to live
Vital, Vitality, Vitamin, Revive
Vivacious: very out-going, only for females
2. "Sup-/ Sur-" : above, over
Surpass: To be or go beyond, as in degree or quality
Surmount: to overcome
Surplus: deficit, not enough
Surname: a name added to a person's name
Surcharge: An added charge, cost, or tax
3. "-cide" : to kill
Patricide: the act of killing one's own father
Pesticide: a chemical preparation for destroying plant, fungal, or animal pests.
Suicide: the intentional taking of one's own life
Homicide: the killing of one human being by another
4. "-archy" : the role of someone
Patriarchy: a form of social organization in which the father is the supreme authority in the family
Matriarchy: a family, society, community, or state governed by women
Anarchy: a state of society without government or law
5. "nil-" : zero, nothing
Nihilism: total rejection of established laws and institutions
Annihilate: to destroy the collective existence or main body of
對今天的課程內容有疑問嗎? 請留言!^^