
我每次看到SAT grammar的題目會都會冒冷汗~ 但今天菁英SAT班的Cindy老師用生動活潑的上課模式, 帶著同學不停地練習SAT題型, 找出錯誤, 課堂結束後, 大家都更得心應手了! 我真的很喜歡上Cindy老師的課耶, 我喜歡分組討論, 這樣就不用一個人想到頭髮都白了, 組內的同學都可以幫助我, 這堂課裡充滿了笑聲! 其實SAT Grammar 不是那麼恐怖啦~


我又上網找了幾個有關SAT Grammar的資料, 大家可以參考一下!

  1. Faulty Agreement:  Subject/Verb

  2. Incorrect or Ambiguous Pronouns

  3. Incorrect Verb Tense

  4. Using Passive vs. Active Voice

  5. Poor Sentence Construction:  Fragments, Run-Ons, Comma Splices

  6. Incorrect use of Idioms

  7. Non-Parallel Construction

  8. Confusing Modifiers:  Misplaced or Dangling

  9. Faulty Comparisons

  10. Adjective & Adverb Confusion

上課時, 對"Modifier"特別有印象, 到底什麼是"Modifiers"? SAT裡考的又是什麼呢?

Modifiers are "describers." Just like ordinary adjectives, they give you more information about other words in the sentence. On the SAT, modifiers come in all shapes and sizes -- they can be single words or entire phrases—but more often than not, they describe nouns.

A misplaced modifier at the beginning of a sentence is one of the most common errors on the Writing section. Whenever you see a modifying phrase at the beginning of a sentence, always make sure that the phrase is properly describing the noun right after the comma. If it's not, you've found an error.

Modifying phrases are relatively easy to spot on the test. Sentences that begin with "-ing" words ("Having always desired," "Leaving the room," "Working all summer") often have modifier issues. The main trick that the SAT will throw your way involves possessives.

例句: Having always desired to be President, Obama's dream was finally fulfilled.

Remember, possessives are not nouns, so in this case, the noun right after the comma isn't Obama's—it's dream. Since a dream can't desire to be President, this version of the sentence is wrong.


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