這幾天, 在英SAT Grammar Lesson裡面, 老師不斷在"IS- Improving Sentences", "IDSE-Identifying Sentence Errors"上幫助同學下苦功, 戰勝這兩個讓人汗顏的SAT考題, 其中一個常考題就是~Modifier~, 除了基本介紹, 還有模擬考題~



Modifiers are "describers". Just like ordinary adjectives, they give you more information about other words in the sentence. On the SAT, modifiers come in all shapes and sizes -- they can be single words or entire phrases—but more often than not, they describe nouns.

A misplaced modifier at the beginning of a sentence is one of the most common errors on the Writing section. Whenever you see a modifying phrase at the beginning of a sentence, always make sure that the phrase is properly describing the noun right after the comma. If it's not, you've found an error. Also, a misplaced modifiers lead to illogical sentences that are difficult to follow. 

Modifying phrases are relatively easy to spot on the test. Sentences that begin with "-ing" words ("Having always desired," "Leaving the room," "Working all summer") often have modifier issues. The main trick that the SAT will throw your way involves possessives.

例句Having always desired to be President, Obama's dream was finally fulfilled.

Remember, possessives are not nouns, so in this case, the noun right after the comma isn't Obama's—it's dream. Since a dream can't desire to be President, this version of the sentence is wrong.


SAT loves to test your knowledge of this error on the Improving Sentences questions.


Misplaced Modifier – A word or phrase meant to modify one word in a sentence is improperly placed so it ends up modifying the wrong word.


例句: Incorrect - Maya found her keys walking home.

Correct – While walking home Maya found her keys.


Dangling Modifier – A word or phrase meant to modify a word has been left out of the sentence.


例句: Incorrect – After several hours of searching, the lost homework was found.

Correct – After several hours of searching, Billy found the lost homework.


In the most countries around the world, they have laws that allow gay people to serve in the military.

(A) they have laws that allow gay people to serve in the military.

(B) they have a law allowing gay people to serve in the military

(C) the laws that allow gay people to serve in the military

(D) their laws allow gay people to serve in the military

(E) the law allows gay people to serve in the military


 The answer is (E)

在 (A) (B) (D), 沒有明確說明誰是"they", 這是一個dangling modifier, 這三個選項都是錯的; 在(C) 中, 沒有主要動詞, 所以也是錯的

其實, 把握主要的原則, 你可以很精確地寫完大部分的題目, SAT Grammar一點都不難啦








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