
SAT Math, 絕對比你想像中的還要簡單, 它主要在測試你的基本數學能力!!但裡面可能有一些些單字會難倒你, 只要好好準備, SAT MATH是你得分的關鍵喔!!


Sheila works 8 hours per day on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and 6 hours per day on Tuesday and Thursday. She does not work on Saturday and Sunday. She earns $324 per week. How much does she earn in dollars per hour? 

The answer is $9, 夠簡單了吧!

除此之外, 我還想跟大家介紹一下SAT MATH 中一個獨特的部分, 在SAT MATH中有Multipue choice之外, 還有Grid In的答題方式, 同學們要弄清楚規則, 才可以得分喔!

Grid-ins cover the same topics and ask the same kind of questions as multiple-choice questions. They just don’t have any answer choices. You have to work out the answer yourself and then “grid” it into a special answer-box thingy.
The Grid
As you can see, grid-in instructions are a little intense. Here’s a summary:
 1. The computer that grades the test can’t read anything but the ovals, so you don’t have to write anything in the spaces at the top. However, filling in the spaces at the top might help you to avoid making careless mistakes. So just write it out.
2. The grid cannot accommodate any number longer than four digits, any decimal or fraction that includes more than three numbers, or any negative signs. Here’s another way of looking at that: If the answer you come up with has more than four digits, is a fraction or decimal with more than three digits, or is a negative number, then your answer’s wrong.

3. You must express a number as either a fraction or a decimal. It doesn’t matter which you choose.

4. You must transform all mixed numbers to fraction form. For example, 41 /2 must be written as 9/2 or 4.5. If you were to try to write 41 /2, the grading machine would read it as 41/ 2, and you’d lose a point.

5. Sometimes the answer you come to will actually be a range of answers, such as “any number between 4 and 5.” When that happens, you could write in any number that fits the criteria—4.6, 4.2, 9/2. But no mixed numbers.


Do Not Work Backward
Since there aren’t any answer choices for grid-ins, you can’t work backward. To answer these questions, you have to know the concepts and how to solve them directly. Luckily, that’s exactly what the rest of this section covers.











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