其實Pronoun代名詞是一個很基本的文法概念, 但在SAT裡卻是不斷出現的考題, 重要得不得了丫!昨天在菁英SAT密集班, LUKE & SUNNY老師重覆又重覆地講解, 大家要抓住這些重點! SAT- IP, ESSAY 好像真的沒那麼難啦!!小導給你們加油打氣丫!
所以今天就來談談 Unclear Pronoun這個問題吧!
Students are often confused about when to use what form of the pronoun—for example, for first person singular, when should you use "me" and when should you use "I"? Correspondingly, for the third person plural, when should you use "they" and when should you use "them"? 雖然這是一個很基礎的文法, 但同學們常常會很困惑, 到底什麼時候用"I", 什麼時候用"ME"呢? 還有第三人稱的時候, 是用"they"還是"them"?
Subjective vs. objective cases 主詞 vs 受詞
Cases are classifications of nouns and pronouns based on their role in a sentence. The subjective case and objective case mean just what they sound like. A noun or pronoun is in the subjective case when it is the subject of the sentence or phrase. A noun or pronoun is in the objective case when it is the object of a verb or the object of a preposition. Read over the following sentences and try to determine the role of each pronoun: 要區分這個名詞或代名詞在句子中的角色, 是"主詞"還是"受詞", 而在受詞前又可能與動詞或介繫詞相連, 來看看以下的句子
My sister and I saw the movie yesterday.
Pranjal was making so much noise that the teacher threw him out of class.
Susan thought that they were all making up the story.
Greta passed the ball to him just in time and the team won the game.
In the first sentence, "I" is one of the subjects of the sentence, so it is in the subjective case. In the second sentence, "him" is the object of the verb "threw," so it is in the objective case. In the third sentence, "they" is the subject of the second clause, so it is in the subjective case. In the final sentence, "him" is the object of the preposition "to," and it is thus in the objective case. 在第一及第三句, "I"及"they" 是主詞, 第二及第四句裡, "him"是個受詞
所以, 在主詞及受詞的位格中, 應使用不同的代名詞, 重點就是"位格"
Subjective: I, you, he/she/it, we, you (plural), they
Objective: Me, you, him/her/it, us, you (plural), them
常常讓同學們混淆的是受詞的部分, 特別是"me", 在口語上是可以理解的, 但在SAT的essay裡卻是錯誤的!看看以下常見的錯誤
Incorrect: Darryl and me are both going to quit if we don't get a raise.
Correct: Darryl and I are both going to quit if we don't get a raise.
"Darryl and I" 在這句中是主詞
Incorrect: Between David and I, she chose David.
Correct: Between David and me, she chose David.
在介繫詞"between"之後的 "David and me"是受詞