各位SAT的考生們, 還有在菁英SAT密集班的同學們, 前兩天菁英SAT團隊們已經一再提醒要增加Vocabulary的深度及廣度, 這是最基本的喔!


講到Critical Reading, 其實也有幾個要訣:

The important part of this section is to show your ability to critically read the passage. This means analyzing and identifying each aspect of the passage. This may include sentence structure, literary terms, common themes or even generally the who, what, where and how of a given paragraph.

What questions can I expect?

Compare and Contrast: If given two passages you may be asked to compare themes or identify a shared issue between them.

Vocabulary Check: Questions asking you to find the meanings of words, almost like a thesaurus type of question. Note: Make sure to read over the context of the word within the passage to make sure you get the correct meaning, definition or similar word.

Literal Comprehension: Basically asking you, "do you get this?". Do you understand the concepts in this piece? How are the themes used within this written piece?

Continued Comprehension: Taking the reading further, how does the author accomplish certain goals with this passage? Questions may ask you how the author has developed the story, or how they use a certain tone or style in their writing. These questions will get you to think and see the whole picture of the story and draw information from that.
How do I approach these kinds of readings and questions?

Primarily, you should follow a few steps to keep you on track. Here are my suggested steps to fully attain the content within the reading.

  1. Skim the passage. Try to identify what kind of passage it is. Is it a poem? Who is the narrator? What is the structure of the passage?
  2. Read the passage from the beginning carefully. Try to comprehend what you are reading as you read it.
  3. Make notes while reading. If you find you notice something, or a theme suddenly pops up, don't hesitate to write a note to yourself in the margin. This will help you later on with your questions.
  4. Underline important phrases and sentences that have clear literary devices. For example if you come across an alliteration, make a note of it!
Some people prefer to read the questions first before reading a passage. This is totally up to personal preference. If you would like to get a sense of what's being asked. Read the questions after your skim the passage, that way you'll have a brief understanding of the context of questions you'll be reading.

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